28 Jul 2018

Zodiac sign Taurus | Horoscope and Vedic Astrology

Every human body consists of 4 major elements Fire, Air, Earth, Water. All human beings have these elements in their physical bodies, but the proportion varies. Why such a thing? Why can't everyone have the same proportion? 
let take an example of a classroom: The teacher announces a project to bring their favorite color paper. The next day everyone came up with the different colors, the teacher collected them and drawn a beautiful picture with them and explained that nature has created each one of us very differently just like these colors and together we make a great picture.
Likewise nature too, we will notice that life itself wouldn’t be possible without any of these elements. In nature, they are in perfect harmony, working with each other every day which teaches us human beings to be the same. These four elements represent four different temperaments, It is important that each of the elements work in sync with others so that there is no chaos and one can co-exist with the other to maintain a balanced life.
Each element has taken 3 zodiacs signs each out of 12. Still, each elemental sign will be different from each other , like they will speak the same language but way of expression will differ.

Earth signs
The earthy element signs possess determination, practical view and extremely down to earth like strong mountain earth signs are considered the constructors of the zodiac hence they plan, put all their energy, work hard and get done what they desire for. All of these are by three signs called Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. But still there will be some difference in between them to create compatibility, like all three will like to go out but the intentions will be different. So 60% fiery rest 40% themselves. This article is been written to cover that 40% uniqueness. 
So let's break down each sign...

What makes TAURUS different from other earthy signs!

Venus {God of love: the planet of beauty & art }
Mode of sign
Fixed: ones who set up a foundation.
Common qualities shared with other fire signs
Practical, real, hardworking, reliable.
What makes them different
Sensuous, artistic, gentle, comfort-loving.
When angry
Stubborn, sustained anger for long, jealous.
When happy
 kind, humble, appreciative, foody
In love
Loyal, affectionate, supportive, patient


When sensuality meets perfection everything will be done almost in a grounded way. Virgo and Taurus are both prepared to work hard for the luxuries they enjoy so much. The Taurus determination holds great appeal for the Virgo, while Taurus is very favorably impressed with the systematic work of Virgo. Taurus and Virgo make a very slow start because both tend to take a lot of time in making up their minds, but once they pace up it will be long-lasting forever.


When the artist meets the manager together they make a great business. Taurus affections will be made more serious by Capricorns. Mutual admiration will be great for love between Capricorn and Taurus. The plus point for this relationship is the common appreciation of the fact that love is an endless journey and not simply a destination that helps keep the fire burning.

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