28 Jul 2018

Zodiac sign Sagittarius | Horoscope and Vedic Astrology

Every human body consists of 4 major elements Fire, Air, Earth, Water. All human beings have these elements in their physical bodies, but the proportion varies. Why such a thing? Why can't everyone have the same proportion? 
let take an example of a classroom: The teacher announces a project to bring their favorite color paper. The next day everyone came up with the different colors, the teacher collected them and drawn a beautiful picture with them and explained that nature has created each one of us very differently just like these colors and together we make a great picture.
Likewise nature too, we will notice that life itself wouldn’t be possible without any of these elements. In nature, they are in perfect harmony, working with each other every day which teaches us human beings to be the same. These four elements represent four different temperaments, It is important that each of the elements work in sync with others so that there is no chaos and one can co-exist with the other to maintain a balanced life.
Each element has taken 3 zodiacs signs each out of 12. Still, each elemental sign will be different from each other , like they will speak the same language but way of expression will differ.

 Fire signs: 
The fire element represents energy, vitality, warmth, passion and they will get it for what they believe. All of these qualities are taken by Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, all of them speak and act straight from the heart. But still there will be some difference in between them to create compatibility, like all three will like to go out but the intentions will be different. So 60% fiery rest 40% themselves. This article is been written to cover that 40% uniqueness. 
 So let's break down each sign...
What makes SAGITTARIUS different from other fire signs!
The Jupiter {The Archer: planet of expansion}
Mode of sign
Mutable: They adaptable to the zodiac. They are flexible
Common qualities shared with other fire signs
Independent, spontaneous, friendly behavior, high-spirited, enthusiastic.
What makes them different
Broad-minded, curious, deeply moral, Outspokenness
When angry
Tactless, blindly optimistic, unemotional
When happy
Eternal travelers, philosophers, happy-go-lucky, dedicated.
In love
Attentive, head over heels gives a lot of freedom.

One of the great combo Aries will enjoy an adventurous, fun-loving and philosophical side of Sagittarius. Aries will want to take control of the relationship, and Sagittarius is okay with it. Sagittarius will totally appreciate how die-hard Aries is. This is the compatibility that neither partner bears grudges, they are short-lived. The time flies when both are together and enjoy creative conversations. 


The outgoing and beautiful smile of the Lioness is enough to enchant the archer. Sagittarius and Leo individuals have a unique trait of being loyal and giving in terms of friendship. Together explore new places, gatherings, make friends and grab the attention of the world to admire their wonderful union and team. Romantic life will be highly fulfilling giving them enough occasions to cherish together.

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