27 Jul 2018

Purpose of remedies | Horoscope and Vedic Astrology

When we look at our chart, we try to find out yogas and other positive things. But when we figure out any bad placements/any debilitated planets negative thoughts capture our mind and start worrying for the future.

In these terms, there are two types of people in the world 

Positive thinkers{who accepts the weakness and try to find the solution}   

Negative thinkers{who thinks our life has nothing us to offer and do nothing} 

People have to understand that everyone can't be perfect, even millionaires have bad placement but there will be something lacking in their life that is not visible to people or they have struggled a lot in their lives to get overcome their weakness.

Debilitated/weak planets are trying to say that you need to work on your weaknesses. Because these planets are giving you life lessons.

Remedies are actually nothing but helping out to overcoming our weaknesses.

I will list down the most simple remedies of each planet because everyone cannot afford expenditure so anybody can perform.


1. Getting up early in the morning and praise the rising sun by chanting"Om Aditya Namah" or "Om suryaya namah"  or you can also offer water.

2.Before starting your day pray to lord Ganesha first and then chant Gayatri mantra once.

3. Do not argue with father/ father figures or persons of authorities.

4. Try going vegetarian on Sunday.

5. If the charity is possible then donate wheat/sugar on Sunday.

6. Avoid having a conflict with government servants/ authority.

7. Do not practice bribing government servants.


1. Try to think positively even in an adverse situation, this will help to deal with it.

2.Close your eyes and meditate and make sure no negative thoughts are running into your mind, try to focus on breathing or chant 

3. Respect and take care of your mom/motherly figure.

4. Keep your house clean.

5. Donate milk/rice/sugar/white clothes on Monday or Worship Lord Shiva before that take lord Ganesha's name.

6. Do not waste water.

7. Drink lots of water.


1. Do not eat non-veg on Tuesday.

2.Worship lord hanuman but before that take lord Ganesha's name.

3. Eat less spicy food

4. Control your anger/Avoid having a conflict.

5. Stay away from fireplaces.

6. Meditate regularly, close your eyes focus on breathing.

7. Develop some patience within you.


1.Include green vegetables in your diet

2. Worship Lord Ganesha first and then lord Vishnu on Wednesday.

3. Listen to music.

4.Water tulsi plant if you have one at home.

5. Do not gossip this will affect your planet more.

6. Speak slow if possible/think before you speak.

7. Be good to teenage girls, sister, your aunt.


1. Offer sweets to temples on Friday

2. Don't argue with any female/Respect women

3.Fasting on Friday, worship goddess Lakshmi

4. Keep yourself and your place clean and hygienic

5. Do not wastewater.

6.Before starting any good work take a blessing from your mother/motherly figure.

7. Do not overuse cosmetics or perfume on your skin.


1. Do not eat non-veg on Thursday.

2. Obey and respect your teachers.

3. Drink turmeric water at least once a day.

4. Worship Lord Ganesha first and then lord Vishnu on Thursday.

5.Donation to temples and educational institutions.

6. Eat bananas, jaggery, sugarcane juice, or lemon juice.

7. Include dal into your diet.


1. Feeding to the poor, lower class, servants, people who are doing a low level of work.

2. Never get late in your work / complete your unfinished work.

3. Follow the rules and regulations and be disciplined.

4.Worship Lord Hanuman and Lord Shani after taking the name of Lord Ganesh.

5.Abstinence from alcohol and non-veg on Saturday.

6.Donation to old age homes.

7.Taking care of old people.


1.Worship Lord Ganesha / Before starting any work take blessings of Lord Ganesha.

2. Keep your place of work/home dust-free.

3. Don't waste any food/do not eat stale food.

4. Donate coconut to the temples.

5. Reduce the consumption of alcohol.

6. Do not use any abusive language.

7. Be satisfied with whatever you have got, don't keep complaining.


1. Worship Lord Ganesha / Before starting any work take blessings of Lord Ganesha.

2. The more they do meditation is more good for them.

3.Donation to spiritual places.

4. Stay away from people who are bad and alcoholic.

5. Feeding sweet dogs.

6. Do not interfere with anybody's personal matters.

7. Do not practice any immoral activities.

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