Showing posts with label Zodiac signs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zodiac signs. Show all posts

Wednesday 15 May 2024

30 surprisingly unique Leo Zodiac sign personality traits | Horoscope and Vedic Astrology

May 15, 2024 0


30 surprisingly unique Leo Zodiac sign personality traits

When it comes to astrology, each zodiac sign holds a unique set of traits and characteristics. Among them, Leo stands out as a sign brimming with confidence, creativity, and passion. Symbolized by the regal lion and ruled by the Sun, Leos are natural-born leaders with a flair for the dramatic and a heart of gold. If you're curious to dive deeper into the world of astrology and learn more about Leo, buckle up for a journey through surprising facts about this dynamic zodiac sign. Join us as we explore 30 surprising facts that unveil the vibrant essence of this fiery zodiac sign.

1. Leo, the Lion: Symbolized by the majestic lion, Leos are known for their regal presence and commanding personality.

2. Born Leaders: Leos are natural-born leaders who excel in taking charge and inspiring others with their charisma.

3. Fire Sign: As a fire sign, Leos are filled with energy, enthusiasm, and a burning desire for life.

4. Ruled by the Sun: The Sun, the center of our solar system, governs Leo, infusing them with warmth, vitality, and a radiant aura.

5. Creative Geniuses: Leos have a strong creative streak, whether it's in the arts, entertainment, or innovative ideas.

6. Loyal to the Core: Loyalty is a cornerstone of Leo's personality—they stand by their friends and loved ones through thick and thin.

7. Dramatic Flair: Leos have a flair for the dramatic, adding excitement and passion to everything they do.

8. Generous Spirits: Known for their generosity, Leos love showering their loved ones with gifts, affection, and attention.

9. Pride and Confidence: Leos possess a healthy dose of pride and confidence, which fuels their ambitious pursuits.

10. Heart of Gold: Beneath their bold exterior, Leos have a compassionate heart and a deep sense of empathy.

11. Fixed Sign: As a fixed sign, Leos are determined and unwavering in their goals and convictions.

12. Social Butterflies: Leos thrive in social settings, enjoying the spotlight and engaging conversations.

13. Natural Charmers: With their magnetic charm and wit, Leos can captivate anyone's attention effortlessly.

14. Drama-Free Zones: Despite their dramatic flair, Leos prefer to keep their personal lives drama-free and harmonious.

15. Creative Expression: Leos find fulfillment in creative expression, whether it's through art, music, writing, or performance.

16. Center Stage: Leos are born for the spotlight, often gravitating towards careers that allow them to shine on stage or in leadership roles.

17. Courageous Souls: Fearless and bold, Leos tackle challenges head-on, never backing down from adversity.

18. Romance and Passion: In love, Leos are passionate, romantic, and fiercely devoted partners.

19. Strength in Vulnerability: Leos understand the power of vulnerability, embracing their emotions and experiences openly.

20. Natural Optimists: Optimism is a defining trait of Leos—they see opportunities in every situation and inspire others with their positive outlook.

21. Family First: Family holds immense importance for Leos, and they cherish moments spent with their loved ones.

22. Unwavering Integrity: Leos have a strong moral compass and uphold integrity and honesty in all aspects of life.

23. Sun-Kissed Glow: Leos often have a radiant and glowing complexion, reflecting their inner vitality and joy.

24. Charitable Hearts: Generous by nature, Leos often engage in charitable work or initiatives to make a positive impact on society.

25. Energetic and Playful: Leos bring an infectious energy and playfulness to any gathering, making them beloved companions and friends.

26. Boundless Ambition: Driven by ambition, Leos set high goals for themselves and work tirelessly to achieve them.

27. Youthful Spirit: Even as they age, Leos retain a youthful and adventurous spirit, always seeking new experiences and challenges.

28. Strength in Unity: Leos understand the power of teamwork and collaboration, leveraging their leadership skills to unite and inspire others.

29. Endless Curiosity: Curiosity fuels Leo's thirst for knowledge and growth, propelling them to explore new ideas and perspectives.

30. Ever-Glowing Fire: Like the eternal flame, Leos' passion and spirit continue to burn brightly, leaving a lasting impact wherever they go.

In conclusion, Leo isn't just a zodiac sign—it's a captivating journey through strength, creativity, and boundless enthusiasm. Whether you're a Leo yourself or have Leo friends and loved ones, understanding these surprising facts adds depth to your connection with this dynamic sign. Here's to embracing the radiant spirit of Leo, igniting passion and inspiration wherever they go in the ever-illuminated cosmos of astrology.

Thursday 9 May 2024

30 surprisingly unique Gemini Zodiac sign personality traits | Horoscope and Vedic Astrology

May 09, 2024 0

Welcome to the dynamic world of Gemini, where curiosity reigns supreme and minds sparkle with endless ideas. Represented by the symbol of the Twins, Geminis are known for their quick wit, versatility, and intellectual agility. As an air sign, they thrive on communication and connection, effortlessly navigating between different perspectives and interests. With a natural charm and a love for learning, Geminis infuse life with energy, excitement, and a dash of unpredictability.

1. The Chatterbox Champion: Geminis are known for their gift of gab. They can talk about anything under the sun and keep the conversation lively and entertaining.

2. Master of Adaptation: Adapting to new situations is a Gemini superpower. They thrive in ever-changing environments and are quick to adjust.

3. Dual Personality Dynamo: One moment they're serious, the next they're cracking jokes. Geminis' dual nature keeps everyone on their toes.

4. Curiosity Unleashed: Geminis are perpetual learners. Their curiosity knows no bounds, making them great at trivia and exploring new ideas.

5. Social Butterfly Extraordinaire: With their charm and wit, Geminis light up any social gathering. They effortlessly connect with people from all walks of life.

6. Spontaneity Personified: Forget boring routines! Geminis love spontaneity and are always up for impromptu adventures.

7. Infinite Energy Reserves: Need someone to keep up with your active lifestyle? Geminis have energy to spare and can outlast even the most energetic folks.

8. The Art of Diplomacy: Geminis excel at finding common ground. They're skilled diplomats who can resolve conflicts with finesse.

9. Multitasking Maestro: Why do one thing when you can do three? Geminis juggle tasks effortlessly, thanks to their multitasking prowess.

10. Creative Geniuses: From writing to painting to dancing, Geminis have a creative streak that knows no bounds. Their ideas are as vibrant as their personalities.

11. Quick Thinkers, Faster Talkers: Geminis' minds work at warp speed. They can process information swiftly and articulate their thoughts with lightning speed.

12. Always Up for Debate: Engage a Gemini in a lively debate, and you're in for a stimulating conversation. They love to challenge ideas and explore different perspectives.

13. Flair for Fashion: Geminis have an eye for style. Whether it's trendy outfits or unique accessories, they know how to make a fashion statement.

14. Eternal Youthfulness: Age is just a number for Geminis. Their youthful energy and enthusiasm keep them forever young at heart.

15. Empathy in Action: Behind their playful exterior, Geminis have a deep well of empathy. They genuinely care about others' feelings and well-being.

16. Witty Comebacks Galore: Never engage in a word battle with a Gemini unless you're prepared for their witty comebacks and sharp humor.

17. Tech Savvy Titans: Geminis embrace technology with open arms. They're always the first to try out the latest gadgets and apps.

18. Freedom-loving Spirits: Geminis value their freedom fiercely. They thrive when they have the space to explore and express themselves fully.

19. Music to Their Ears: Music is a Gemini's soulmate. They have an eclectic taste and can groove to any beat.

20. Eternal Optimists: No matter what life throws their way, Geminis keep a positive outlook. Their optimism is contagious.

21. Bookworms and Beyond: Geminis are avid readers who devour books across genres. They love expanding their knowledge through literature.

22. The Great Travel Enthusiasts: Adventure calls, and Geminis answer eagerly. They're always planning their next escapade to explore new horizons.

23. Legendary Storytellers: Geminis have a way with words. Whether it's storytelling or writing, they captivate audiences with their narrative skills.

24. Magnetic Personalities: It's hard not to be drawn to a Gemini's magnetic charm. They have a way of making everyone feel welcome and valued.

25. Tech Trendsetters: Geminis are at the forefront of technology trends. They effortlessly navigate the digital world, staying updated with the latest tech innovations and often setting trends themselves.

26. Mindfulness Mavericks: Geminis understand the importance of mindfulness. They practice self-care and mindfulness techniques to stay balanced.

27. Foodie Fanatics: Exploring new cuisines is a Gemini's delight. They're adventurous eaters who savor every culinary experience.

28. Unpredictable Fun: With Geminis, every day is an adventure. You never know what delightful surprises they'll bring into your life.

29. Loyalty Personified: Once you earn a Gemini's trust, you have a loyal friend for life. They value deep connections and cherish their inner circle.

30. Ever-evolving Gems: Above all, Geminis are constantly evolving. They embrace change, grow from experiences, and inspire others to do the same.

As we bid adieu to our exploration of the Gemini constellation, we recognize the vibrant tapestry of qualities that define this sign. From their curious minds and witty conversations to their adaptability and social prowess, Geminis bring a refreshing breeze of versatility to the zodiac spectrum. Embracing their dual nature, they navigate life's twists and turns with grace and enthusiasm, reminding us to stay curious, embrace change, and enjoy the colorful journey of self-discovery.

Friday 3 May 2024

30 surprisingly unique Taurus Zodiac sign personality traits | Horoscope and Vedic Astrology

May 03, 2024 0

30 surprisingly unique Taurus Zodiac sign personality traits

Taurus, the second sign of the Zodiac, is represented by the symbol of the bull. People born under this Earth sign, typically between April 20 and May 20, embody a blend of strength, stability, and sensibility. With a steadfast nature and a deep appreciation for beauty, Taurus individuals navigate life with determination and reliability. With a strong appreciation for the finer things in life and a keen sense of loyalty, Taureans often seek security and comfort while embracing life's simple pleasures. Let's delve into their unique blend of traits that make them both resilient and captivating personalities in astrology.

1. Chill vibes: Taurus's are all about that chill life, taking things slow and steady.

2. Got grit: Once a Taurus sets their mind on something, you better believe they won't give up easily.

3. Down-to-earth: They're the type to keep it real, none of that fluff or nonsense.

4. Solid as a rock: Taurus's are as dependable as they come, you can count on them no matter what.

5. Ride or die: Loyalty is their middle name; they'll stick with you through thick and thin.

6. Stuck in their ways: Sometimes stubborn, but hey, at least they know what they want!

7. Living the good life: Taurus's appreciate the finer things, from good food to comfy surroundings.

8. All about the feels: Sensual beings, they love anything that tickles the senses.

9. Steady as she goes: Stability is key for Taurus's, they like to keep things on an even keel.

10. Keeping' it real: No daydreaming here, Taurus's are firmly grounded in reality.

11. Consistency is key: They're the ones you can rely on to be the same awesome person every day.

12. Waiting game: Patience is their virtue, they know good things come to those who wait.

13. Persistent AF: When Taurus's want something, they'll go after it with all they've got.

14. Bounce back game strong: They've got that inner resilience to handle whatever life throws at them.

15. Feelin' good: Taurus's love to indulge in all the pleasures life has to offer.

16. Spreading' the love: Affectionate and caring, they show their love in big ways.

17. Guardian angels: Taurus's will protect their loved ones fiercely.

18. Generosity galore: They're always ready to lend a helping hand or share what they have.

19. Dream chasers: Taurus's are relentless when it comes to chasing their dreams.

20. Practical thinkers: They're all about what works in the real world, not just what sounds good.

21. Patience is a virtue: Taurus's know that good things take time, and they're willing to wait.

22. Never back down: They're like a bull in a China shop when it comes to reaching their goals.

23. Creative souls: Taurus's have a knack for all things creative, from art to music.

24. Keeping' it simple: They appreciate the simple joys in life and don't need all the drama.

25. Independent spirits: Taurus's value their alone time and independence.

26. Responsibility rocks: They take their commitments seriously and always follow through.

27. Heart of gold: Taurus's are caring and nurturing, always looking out for others.

28. Focused and determined: They've got their eyes on the prize and won't let anything distract them.

29. Problem solvers: Taurus's are resourceful and can think on their feet.

30. Common sense kings and queens: They make decisions based on logic and reason, not just emotions.

In essence, Taurus bring a unique blend of practicality, loyalty, and resilience to the table. With their feet firmly planted on the ground and their hearts full of determination, they navigate life with a steady grace that is truly admirable.

Thursday 2 May 2024

30 surprisingly unique Aries Zodiac sign personality traits | Horoscope and Vedic Astrology

May 02, 2024 0

30 surprisingly unique Aries Zodiac sign personality traits

Every sign in the zodiac tells a unique tale of characteristics and inclinations that influence how we perceive human nature, creating a fascinating astrological mosaic. Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, which signifies the approach of spring and fresh starts, is one of these cosmic figures. People in the sign of Aries are not only born independent; but also they emerge with a fierce will and a spirit that is fearless, ardent, and unabashedly real. Come along as we explore the interesting realm of Aries personalities and learn about the amazing qualities and fascinating details that characterize these unique people.

1. People born under the sign of Aries have a reputation to act quickly, they hate waiting game.

2. They frequently have accidents as a result of their constant rush and lack of self-care; in fact, they take great pride in showing-off their injuries and scars.

3. Avoid giving instructions to an Aries. They will not tolerate someone else taking authority and imposing directions; in fact, obeying orders may revive their rebellious spirit. 

4. Aries people firmly believe that love may be found at first sight.  

5. Unbelievably, they're really upbeat and supportive of you despite the difficult circumstances.

6. They are constantly there to defend those they love and enjoy fighting.

7. When dating an Aries, you'll quickly realize where you stand because they don't play mind games. 

8. Aries are often the initiators of a relationship.

9. Weak partners annoy's Aries individuals, especially when they are demanding and sensitive, they 'll frequently get bored. 

10. Aries has no problem moving on! usually, they don't miss their ex and instead live in the present.  

11. No matter what time of the day they would call, Aries would answer their phone to help. 

12. Life is black or white for an Aries and there is no space for grey..They can be the sweetest lovers or your biggest nightmare

13. Aries moves have the ability to motivate us all tremendously! They frequently just dive right in and give everything they've got.

14. It's also widely known that Aries people follow their instincts. Whatever reasoning is put forth to them.

15. People born in Aries have a tendency to be sensitive, even though they won't ever admit it!

16. Aries people also have a habit to be overly honest at times. They can come across as quite direct in their judgments of other people because they don't always know how to control their own language before speaking.

17. Even though Aries make excellent leaders, they don't really need people—at least, not in their opinion.

18. Since everyone will be aware of their relationship status, an Aries in love is like a book open to the public.

19. Hot and spicy food is inherently appealing to Aries. A meal high in calories and rich in nutrients is also necessary for them because they burn fat quickly while exercising.

20. If you're planning a movie date with Aries, choose a genre like action, adventure, or passionate intense romantic

21. Do not speak to Aries if you are in confused state of mind, speak with 1000% clearity, whether its yes or no.

22. Aries loves and appreciate those, who are standout in the crowd and bring their own innovative ideas to the table.

23. Aries enjoy sarcastic and slapstick comedy. If you manage to make them laugh consider yourself lucky.

24. If Aries is in the driver's seat, you will arrive at the destination in a much shorter time than predicted.

25. They are thrill-seekers who enjoy the exhilaration of participating in risky sports. They adore riskier activities such as riding motorcycles, leaping off of airplanes, and bungee jumping.

26. Getting an Aries attention is very hard, and to sustain it... is even harder, because they believe in "first impression is the last impression"

27. Aries people often speak without thinking, sometimes they do get into serious trouble for it.

28. Aries look young and lean even in old age. 

29. Having a lively side, Aries people value companions who can make things lighthearted and enjoyable.

30. Aries are inquisitive and enjoy trying new things. Be open to doing new things together and getting out of your comfort zone.

In essence, Aries individuals inspires us to embrace life with zest and unwavering determination. Their dynamic personalities leave an indelible mark on the world, inspiring others to embrace life with vitality and enthusiasm.

Thursday 16 August 2018

Zodiac sign Aries | Horoscope and Vedic Astrology

August 16, 2018 0
Every human body consists of 4 major elements Fire, Air, Earth, Water. All human beings have these elements in their physical bodies, but the proportion varies. Why such a thing? Why can't everyone have the same proportion? 
let take an example of a classroom: The teacher announces a project to bring their favorite color paper. The next day everyone came up with the different colors, the teacher collected them and assembled a beautiful picture with them and explained that nature has created each one of us very differently just like these colors and 
together we can make a great picture.
Likewise in nature too, we will notice that life itself wouldn’t be possible without any of these elements. In nature, they are perfect harmonically, working with each other every day, teaching us human beings can do the same. These four elements represent four different temperaments. It is important that each of the elements work in sync with others so that there is no chaos and one can co-exist with the other to maintain life balance.
Each element has taken 3 zodiac signs each out of 12. Still, each elemental sign will be different from the other, like they will speak the same language but way of expression will differ.

 Fire signs: 
The fire element represents energy, vitality, warmth, passion and they will get it for what they believe. All of these qualities are taken by Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, all of them speak and act straight from the heart. But still, there will be some difference between them to create compatibility, like all three will like to go out but the intentions will be different. So 60% fiery rest 40% themselves. This article is been written to cover that 40% uniqueness. 
 So let's break down each sign...
What makes ARIES different from other fire signs!

 Mars { the action planet: God of war }
    Mode of sign
They are initiators of the zodiac
    Common qualities shared with other fire signs
Independent, spontaneous, friendly behavior, high-spirited, enthusiastic.
    What makes them different
Ready for action, comes up with bold ideas, speed, competition, accepts any challenges.
    When angry
Impatient, start imposing opinions on others, don't know how to stop,
    When happy
inspires those around them, ready to help those in need, always looking forward
    In love
warm and passionate, flirtatious,  fall in love hard


Aries loves the dynamic, confidence, and generous heart of Leos. Aries will never get bored with them because they are naturally full of entertainment, and love the way they carry themselves in public. On the other hand, Leos are very proud to have a partner like Aries and likes to show off their relationship. Aries impulsiveness will be balanced nicely by Leos by the ability to plan and organize.


Another great combo Aries will enjoy an adventurous, fun-loving, and philosophical side of Sagittarius. Aries will want to take control of the relationship, and Sagittarius is okay with it. Sagittarius will totally appreciate how die-hard Aries is. This is the compatibility that neither partner bears grudges, they are short-lived. The time flies when both are together and enjoy creative conversations. 

Saturday 28 July 2018

Zodiac sign Pisces | Horoscope and Vedic Astrology

July 28, 2018 0
Every human body consists of 4 major elements Fire, Air, Earth, Water. All human beings have these elements in their physical bodies, but the proportion varies. Why such a thing? Why can't everyone have the same proportion? 
let take an example of a classroom: The teacher announces a project to bring their favorite color paper. The next day everyone came up with the different colors, the teacher collected them and drawn a beautiful picture with them and explained that nature has created each one of us very differently just like these colors and together we can make a great picture.
Likewise nature too, we will notice that life itself wouldn’t be possible without any of these elements. In nature, they are harmonically working with each other every day teaching us human beings to be the same. These four elements represent four different temperaments, It is important that each of the elements work in sync with others so that there is no chaos and one can co-exist with the other to maintain a balanced life.
Each element has taken 3 zodiac signs each out of 12. Still, each elemental sign will be different from the other, like they will speak the same language but the way of expression will differ.

Water signs: 
The oceanic depth of emotions, deeply sensed intuitions all these watery traits come from the signs, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces all of them are sensitive to human pain and psychic, incredibly empathetic which helps them to form strong bonds with others. Everything they do, they do it genuinely and straight from the heart whether it love or hate, attention or ignorance. But still, there will be some difference between them to create compatibility, like all three will like to go out but the intentions will be different. So 60% fiery rest 40% themselves. This article is been written to cover that 40% uniqueness. 
 So let's break down each sign...

What makes Pisces different from other water signs!

Jupiter{God of expansion: the planet of spirituality }
Mode of sign
Mutable: The adaptable of the zodiac. They are flexible.
Common qualities shared with other fire signs
Intuitive ,emotional intelligent, creative ,empathy
What makes them different
Selfless, spontaneous
,Imaginative ,gentle
When angry
Escapist, depressed
,timid ,impractical
When happy
Easy-going, idealistic, adaptive, charitable.
In love
Non-judgmental, loyal, tolerant, trusting.


When Pisces gets comfortable with cancer they both start to dream vividly together. Cancer needs someone who can read them and react accordingly and Pisces are master of empathy, and will always be there for them, making an ideal partner. The Crab and the Fish both will feel like a natural couple, both crave a lot of love and are capable of giving it back to making the bond one that is full of warmth and emotion. 


When Scorpio's dark reality transforms Pisces' dream world into a true picture, everything gets balanced. Between Scorpio and Pisces are strong enough to overcome the differences they have. Pisces is a very complex character and who better to work out someone as complicated as Scorpio. Pisces can offer the devotion and admiration that Scorpio craves. You understand each other effortlessly.

Zodiac sign Scorpio | Horoscope and Vedic Astrology

July 28, 2018 0
Every human body consists of 4 major elements Fire, Air, Earth, Water. All human beings have these elements in their physical bodies, but the proportion varies. Why such a thing? Why can't everyone have the same proportion? 
let take an example of a classroom: The teacher announces a project to bring their favorite color paper. The next day everyone came up with the different colors, the teacher collected them and drawn a beautiful picture with them and explained that nature has created each one of us very differently just like these colors and together we make a great picture.
Likewise nature too, we will notice that life itself wouldn’t be possible without any of these elements. In nature, they are in perfect harmony, working with each other every day which teaches us human beings to be the same. These four elements represent four different temperaments, It is important that each of the elements work in sync with others so that there is no chaos and one can co-exist with the other to maintain a balanced life.
Each element has taken 3 zodiac signs each out of 12. Still, each elemental sign will be different from each other, like they will speak the same language but way of expression will differ.

Water signs: 
The oceanic depth of emotions, deeply sensed intuitions all these watery traits come from the signs, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces all of them are sensitive to human pain and psychic, incredibly empathetic which helps them to form strong bonds with others. Everything they do, do it with genuinely and straight from the heart whether its love or hate, attention or ignorance. But still there will be some difference between them to create compatibility, like all three will like to go out but the intentions will be different. So 60% fiery rest 40% themselves. This article is been written to cover that 40% uniqueness. 
 So let's break down each sign...

What makes Scorpio different from other water signs!

Mars{God of war: the love warrior }
Mode of sign
Fixed: ones who set up a foundation
Common qualities shared with other fire signs
Intuitive ,emotional intelligent, creative ,empathy
What makes them different
Mysterious, passionate,
loyal, investigator.
When angry
Paranoid, resentful, intolerant, sarcastic
When happy
Humorous ,ardent ,determined ,focused
In love
Utterly loyal, highly physical, possessive. 


Intense strong lover meets with a complete fragile giver is what Cancer and Scorpio are. The Scorpios' emotions will be read by Cancer easily because they themselves are on the same level. They can even communicate without words because feelings are getting an exchange. Scorpios possessiveness will be enjoyed most by Cancer. Cancer will always remain loyal to Scorpio which will never give rise to Scorpio’s insecurity. These two can get along on a very high level.


When Scorpio's dark reality transforms Pisces' dream world into a true picture, everything gets balanced. Between Scorpio and Pisces is strong enough to overcome the differences they have. Pisces is a very complex character and who better to work out someone as complicated as Scorpio. Pisces can offer the devotion and admiration that Scorpio craves. You understand each other effortlessly.

Zodiac sign Cancer | Horoscope and Vedic Astrology

July 28, 2018 0
Every human body consists of 4 major elements Fire, Air, Earth, Water. All human beings have these elements in their physical bodies, but the proportion varies. Why such a thing? Why can't everyone have the same proportion? 
let take an example of a classroom: The teacher announces a project to bring their favorite color paper. The next day everyone came up with the different colors, the teacher collected them and drawn a beautiful picture with them and explained that nature has created each one of us very differently just like these colors and together we make a great picture.
Likewise nature too, we will notice that life itself wouldn’t be possible without any of these elements. In nature, they are in perfect harmony, working with each other every day which teaches us human beings to be the same. These four elements represent four different temperaments, It is important that each of the elements work in sync with others so that there is no chaos and one can co-exist with the other to maintain a balanced life.
Each element has taken 3 zodiac signs each out of 12. Still, each elemental sign will be different from each other, like they will speak the same language but way of expression will differ.

Water signs: 
The oceanic depth of emotions, deeply sensed intuitions all these watery traits come from the signs, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces all of them are sensitive to human pain and psychic, incredibly empathetic which helps them to form strong bonds with others. Everything they do, do it with genuinely and straight from the heart whether its love or hate, attention or ignorance. But still there will be some difference between them to create compatibility, like all three will like to go out but the intentions will be different. So 60% fiery rest 40% themselves. This article is been written to cover that 40% uniqueness. 
 So let's break down each sign...

What makes Cancer different from other water signs!

Moon{The mother: The nurturing planet}
Mode of sign
Cardinal: The initiators of the zodiac. They lead naturally.
Common qualities shared with other fire signs
Intuitive ,emotional intelligent, creative ,empathy
What makes them different
Protective, healing, gives comfort, best cook.
When angry
Moody, lazy, self-pitying, weeping.
When happy
Friendly, funny, open-minded, lively
In love
Give's everything, faithful, attentive, forgiving.


Intense strong lover meets with a complete fragile giver is what Cancer and Scorpio are. The Scorpios' emotions will be read by Cancer easily because they themselves are on the same level. They can even communicate without words because feelings are getting an exchange. Scorpios possessiveness will be enjoyed most by Cancer. Cancer will always remain loyal to Scorpio which will never give rise to Scorpio’s insecurity. These two can get along on a very high level.


When Pisces gets comfortable with cancer they both start to dream vividly together. Cancer needs someone who can read them and react accordingly and Pisces are master of empathy, and will always be there for them, making an ideal partner. The Crab and the Fish both will feel like a natural couple, both crave for a lot of love and are capable of giving it back to making the bond a one that is full of warmth and emotion. 

Zodiac sign Capricorn | Horoscope and Vedic Astrology

July 28, 2018 0
Every human body consists of 4 major elements Fire, Air, Earth, Water. All human beings have these elements in their physical bodies, but the proportion varies. Why such a thing? Why can't everyone have the same proportion? 
let take an example of a classroom: The teacher announces a project to bring their favorite color paper. The next day everyone came up with the different colors, the teacher collected them and drawn a beautiful picture with them and explained that nature has created each one of us very differently just like these colors and together we make a great picture.
Likewise nature too, we will notice that life itself wouldn’t be possible without any of these elements. In nature, they are in perfect harmony, working with each other every day which teaches us human beings to be the same. These four elements represent four different temperaments, It is important that each of the elements work in sync with others so that there is no chaos and one can co-exist with the other to maintain a balanced life.
Each element has taken 3 zodiacs signs each out of 12. Still, each elemental sign will be different from each other , like they will speak the same language but way of expression will differ.

Earth signs
The earthy element signs possess determination, practical view and extremely down to earth like strong mountain earth signs are considered the constructors of the zodiac hence they plan, put all their energy, work hard and get done what they desire for. All of these are by three signs called Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. But still there will be some difference in between them to create compatibility, like all three will like to go out but the intentions will be different. So 60% fiery rest 40% themselves. This article is been written to cover that 40% uniqueness. 
So let's break down each sign...

What makes Capricorn different from other earthy signs!

Saturn {God of law: the planet of ambitions}
Mode of sign
Cardinal: The initiators of the zodiac. They lead naturally.
Common qualities shared with other fire signs
Practical, real, hardworking, reliable.
What makes them different
Disciplined, organizing capabilities, goal-oriented, resourceful
When angry
Loner, rigid, miser, never satisfied.
When happy
Responsible, cool under fire, composed, comical.
In love
Great talker, reserved, keep things simple.


When the artist meets the manager together they make a great business. Taurus affections will be made more serious by Capricorns. Mutual admiration will be great for love between Capricorn and Taurus. The plus point for this relationship is the common appreciation of the fact that love is an endless journey and not simply a destination that helps keep the fire burning.


When the hardworking kind employer meets the sweet manager blend perfectly with each other. Both of them prefer a safe, logical and well-defined path, rather than taking risks. Recklessness is not part of their game, and the partners are focused on the quality of life seizing each moment that comes their way. The Capricorn is a good leader and can influence the Virgo in the desired fruitful direction.

Zodiac sign Virgo | Horoscope and Vedic Astrology

July 28, 2018 0
Every human body consists of 4 major elements Fire, Air, Earth, Water. All human beings have these elements in their physical bodies, but the proportion varies. Why such a thing? Why can't everyone have the same proportion? 
let take an example of a classroom: The teacher announces a project to bring their favorite color paper. The next day everyone came up with the different colors, the teacher collected them and drawn a beautiful picture with them and explained that nature has created each one of us very differently just like these colors and together we make a great picture.
Likewise nature too, we will notice that life itself wouldn’t be possible without any of these elements. In nature, they are in perfect harmony, working with each other every day which teaches us human beings to be the same. These four elements represent four different temperaments, It is important that each of the elements work in sync with others so that there is no chaos and one can co-exist with the other to maintain a balanced life.
Each element has taken 3 zodiacs signs each out of 12. Still, each elemental sign will be different from each other , like they will speak the same language but way of expression will differ.

Earth signs
The earthy element signs possess determination, practical view and extremely down to earth like strong mountain earth signs are considered the constructors of the zodiac hence they plan, put all their energy, work hard and get done what they desire for. All of these are by three signs called Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. But still there will be some difference in between them to create compatibility, like all three will like to go out but the intentions will be different. So 60% fiery rest 40% themselves. This article is been written to cover that 40% uniqueness. 
So let's break down each sign...

What makes VIRGO different from other earthy signs!

Mercury {The twin's siblings: The planet of service}
Mode of sign
Mutable: The adaptable of the zodiac. They are flexible.
Common qualities shared with other fire signs
Practical, real, hardworking, reliable.
What makes them different
Realistic, perfectionist,
analytical, modest
When angry
Complain box, lethargic, critical of others.
When happy
 Punctual, helpful, focused, efficient.
In love
Observant, charming, well-spoken, witty.

When sensuality meets perfection everything will be done almost in a grounded way. Virgo and Taurus are both prepared to work hard for the luxuries they enjoy so much. The Taurus determination holds great appeal for the Virgo, while Taurus is very favorably impressed with the systematic work of Virgo. Taurus and Virgo make a very slow start because both tend to take a lot of time in making up their minds, but once they pace up it will be long-lasting forever.

When the hardworking kind employer meets the sweet manager blend perfectly with each other. Both of them prefer a safe, logical and well-defined path, rather than taking risks. Recklessness is not part of their game, and the partners are focused on the quality of life seizing each moment that comes their way. The Capricorn is a 
good leader and can influence the Virgo in the desired fruitful direction.

Zodiac sign Taurus | Horoscope and Vedic Astrology

July 28, 2018 0
Every human body consists of 4 major elements Fire, Air, Earth, Water. All human beings have these elements in their physical bodies, but the proportion varies. Why such a thing? Why can't everyone have the same proportion? 
let take an example of a classroom: The teacher announces a project to bring their favorite color paper. The next day everyone came up with the different colors, the teacher collected them and drawn a beautiful picture with them and explained that nature has created each one of us very differently just like these colors and together we make a great picture.
Likewise nature too, we will notice that life itself wouldn’t be possible without any of these elements. In nature, they are in perfect harmony, working with each other every day which teaches us human beings to be the same. These four elements represent four different temperaments, It is important that each of the elements work in sync with others so that there is no chaos and one can co-exist with the other to maintain a balanced life.
Each element has taken 3 zodiacs signs each out of 12. Still, each elemental sign will be different from each other , like they will speak the same language but way of expression will differ.

Earth signs
The earthy element signs possess determination, practical view and extremely down to earth like strong mountain earth signs are considered the constructors of the zodiac hence they plan, put all their energy, work hard and get done what they desire for. All of these are by three signs called Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. But still there will be some difference in between them to create compatibility, like all three will like to go out but the intentions will be different. So 60% fiery rest 40% themselves. This article is been written to cover that 40% uniqueness. 
So let's break down each sign...

What makes TAURUS different from other earthy signs!

Venus {God of love: the planet of beauty & art }
Mode of sign
Fixed: ones who set up a foundation.
Common qualities shared with other fire signs
Practical, real, hardworking, reliable.
What makes them different
Sensuous, artistic, gentle, comfort-loving.
When angry
Stubborn, sustained anger for long, jealous.
When happy
 kind, humble, appreciative, foody
In love
Loyal, affectionate, supportive, patient


When sensuality meets perfection everything will be done almost in a grounded way. Virgo and Taurus are both prepared to work hard for the luxuries they enjoy so much. The Taurus determination holds great appeal for the Virgo, while Taurus is very favorably impressed with the systematic work of Virgo. Taurus and Virgo make a very slow start because both tend to take a lot of time in making up their minds, but once they pace up it will be long-lasting forever.


When the artist meets the manager together they make a great business. Taurus affections will be made more serious by Capricorns. Mutual admiration will be great for love between Capricorn and Taurus. The plus point for this relationship is the common appreciation of the fact that love is an endless journey and not simply a destination that helps keep the fire burning.