Tuesday 7 May 2024

Akshaya Tritiya 2024 : अक्षय तृतीया 2024 | Horoscope and Vedic Astrology

May 07, 2024 0


In Sanskrit, 'Akshaya' denotes forever. As a result, it is thought that any fasts, charitable offerings, and prayers will produce miracles on this day and bless believers with endless fortune. This is a popular Hindu festive that is seen as an auspicious day for beginning new enterprises or ventures. Many business people regard this as a sacred day. Many devotees also purchase new jewelry or ornaments on this day. Akshaya Tritiya is seen to be particularly auspicious for getting divine favors because it marks the beginning of the Treta Yug. Buying gold on this day is a common practice that represents the blessings of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. It's a period of hope and optimism, as well as an invitation to unlimited wealth.

What happened on this day?

- Treta Yug is also thought to have begun on Akshaya Tritiya.

- Akshaya Tritiya is one of the most important "tithi" in Hindu astrology, during which the sun and moon become equally bright.

- Akshay Tritiya is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Parshuram, who is known as one of the incarnations of Lord Vishnu. 

- Mata Annapurna, a manifestation of Mata Parvati, appeared before Shiva and offered him a bountiful meal on this day.

- This is the day when Sage Vyasa, the author of the Mahabharata, began reciting the epic tale of kings to Lord Ganesha.

- Another tales states that the river Ganges descended to earth on this day from Lord Shiva's hair locks. 

- Akshya Thiruthiya is also connected with Mahabharata, when Pandavas were in exile in the forest.Lord Krishna gave Draupadi the Akshaya Patra, a vase that was capable of supplying a limitless amount of nutritious food every day.

- It is believed that this is the day when Lord Kuber (the deity associated with wealth) got blessed by Lord Brahma & Shiva) and acquired a new kingdom known as Alkapuri) Devotees think that purchasing ornaments in Lord Kuber's name can lead to endless prosperity and wealth.

- Sudama's Offering and Akshaya Patra: On Akshaya Tritiya, Sudama, Shree Krishna's poor buddy, paid him a visit with a handful of parched rice. Krishna, moved by his devotion, converted Sudama's hut into a palace, symbolizing the concept of Akshaya Nidhi (everlasting wealth).

What we should do on Akshaya Tritiya?

Here are some of the best things to contribute during Akshaya Tritiya for fortune and well-being.

Making donations to the poor and needy on this day is believed to bring good karma and blessings. Many people choose to donate money, food, clothes or other items on this day to help those who are less fortunate.

1. Water with Betel Nut: Donating water and a betel nut to a Bhramin will grant you success. It is believed that those who donate betel nuts never face a shortage of money and wealth.

2. Donating Bed: Donating a bed on this day will bring long-term prosperity and happiness in your life.

3. Donating Clothes: Giving clothes to the needy will ensure that you lead a long life.

4. Sandalwood: Sandalwood is donated to the poor to avoid the risks of accidents.

5. Coconut: Donating coconut to Brahmins on this day can relieve your ancestors from their past sins and generations of a person gets relief from hell.

6. Buttermilk: Ask your children to donate buttermilk on this day as on donating buttermilk on Akshaya Tritiya, your child will succeed academically.

7. Udakumbha Danam: Donating water in a bronze or silver vase to the needy is regarded as one of the most essential daanams for individuals wishing to marry, get rid of pitru shraap or those who want to have children. The water is blended with camphor, saffron, Tulsi leaves, and betel nut.

8. Slippers : If you donate slippers to someone on Akshaya Tritiya, it will prevent you from going to hell after death.

9. Kumkum: If you donate kumkum to the needy, it will ensure that your husband gets a long life and you enjoy prosperity.

10. Donating Food: Food donations to those who are less fortunate are one of the most prevalent forms of charitable giving. People can help those in need by distributing food packets or organizing communal feasts.

11. Giving Clothes: Giving clothes to the poor and needy is another example of charitable behavior. People can provide clothing, shoes, and other necessities to shelters, orphanages, and other charity organizations.

12. Gyaan daan (Giving free education): Education is an essential component in ending the cycle of poverty. People can donate textbooks, stationary, and other educational supplies to schools and foster care facilities, allowing the less fortunate to acquire an education.

13. Providing Healthcare Support: Having access to medical care has become essential for improving health and preventing illness. People can donate to hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare organizations to help those in need get the care they require.

14. Planting Trees: Planting trees is an eco-friendly way to practice charity and promote environmental sustainability. People can donate to organizations that plant saplings or organize tree-planting drives to support the environment.

Other auspicious activities


  • Devotees engage in various sacred rituals such as Japa (chanting), Yajna (sacrifice), and Dan-Punya (charity) to secure blessings that are believed to last forever. 
  • One should perform sraddha ceremony on the Aksaya-trtiya day. Performing Tarpan for deceased ancestors on this day is extremely virtuous and eternal.
  • It is said that the couples who get married on the day of Akshaya Tritiya are blessed with eternal prosperity and togetherness. 
  • Griha Pravesh puja, Akshaya Tritiya is considered a highly lucky day. Purchasing a new home on this day can also shield a family from evil spirits and bring good health and prosperity into the home. Aside from housewarming, many individuals choose to start home renovation or new construction projects on Akshaya Tritiya.
  • Whether you plan to buy a car or a motorbike, buy it on Akshaya Tritiya. Purchasing a vehicle like a car or a bike on this day is believed to bring prosperity and success. Many people believe that buying a vehicle on this day will ensure that their journeys are safe and successful
  • This day is considered to be the most auspicious day for starting a new business.
  • Purchasing gold is a popular activity during Akshaya Tritiya since it is the ultimate symbol of wealth and success. Gold and gold jewelry purchased and worn on this day represent never-ending good luck. 

Friday 3 May 2024

30 surprisingly unique Taurus Zodiac sign personality traits | Horoscope and Vedic Astrology

May 03, 2024 0

30 surprisingly unique Taurus Zodiac sign personality traits

Taurus, the second sign of the Zodiac, is represented by the symbol of the bull. People born under this Earth sign, typically between April 20 and May 20, embody a blend of strength, stability, and sensibility. With a steadfast nature and a deep appreciation for beauty, Taurus individuals navigate life with determination and reliability. With a strong appreciation for the finer things in life and a keen sense of loyalty, Taureans often seek security and comfort while embracing life's simple pleasures. Let's delve into their unique blend of traits that make them both resilient and captivating personalities in astrology.

1. Chill vibes: Taurus's are all about that chill life, taking things slow and steady.

2. Got grit: Once a Taurus sets their mind on something, you better believe they won't give up easily.

3. Down-to-earth: They're the type to keep it real, none of that fluff or nonsense.

4. Solid as a rock: Taurus's are as dependable as they come, you can count on them no matter what.

5. Ride or die: Loyalty is their middle name; they'll stick with you through thick and thin.

6. Stuck in their ways: Sometimes stubborn, but hey, at least they know what they want!

7. Living the good life: Taurus's appreciate the finer things, from good food to comfy surroundings.

8. All about the feels: Sensual beings, they love anything that tickles the senses.

9. Steady as she goes: Stability is key for Taurus's, they like to keep things on an even keel.

10. Keeping' it real: No daydreaming here, Taurus's are firmly grounded in reality.

11. Consistency is key: They're the ones you can rely on to be the same awesome person every day.

12. Waiting game: Patience is their virtue, they know good things come to those who wait.

13. Persistent AF: When Taurus's want something, they'll go after it with all they've got.

14. Bounce back game strong: They've got that inner resilience to handle whatever life throws at them.

15. Feelin' good: Taurus's love to indulge in all the pleasures life has to offer.

16. Spreading' the love: Affectionate and caring, they show their love in big ways.

17. Guardian angels: Taurus's will protect their loved ones fiercely.

18. Generosity galore: They're always ready to lend a helping hand or share what they have.

19. Dream chasers: Taurus's are relentless when it comes to chasing their dreams.

20. Practical thinkers: They're all about what works in the real world, not just what sounds good.

21. Patience is a virtue: Taurus's know that good things take time, and they're willing to wait.

22. Never back down: They're like a bull in a China shop when it comes to reaching their goals.

23. Creative souls: Taurus's have a knack for all things creative, from art to music.

24. Keeping' it simple: They appreciate the simple joys in life and don't need all the drama.

25. Independent spirits: Taurus's value their alone time and independence.

26. Responsibility rocks: They take their commitments seriously and always follow through.

27. Heart of gold: Taurus's are caring and nurturing, always looking out for others.

28. Focused and determined: They've got their eyes on the prize and won't let anything distract them.

29. Problem solvers: Taurus's are resourceful and can think on their feet.

30. Common sense kings and queens: They make decisions based on logic and reason, not just emotions.

In essence, Taurus bring a unique blend of practicality, loyalty, and resilience to the table. With their feet firmly planted on the ground and their hearts full of determination, they navigate life with a steady grace that is truly admirable.

Thursday 2 May 2024

30 surprisingly unique Aries Zodiac sign personality traits | Horoscope and Vedic Astrology

May 02, 2024 0

30 surprisingly unique Aries Zodiac sign personality traits

Every sign in the zodiac tells a unique tale of characteristics and inclinations that influence how we perceive human nature, creating a fascinating astrological mosaic. Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, which signifies the approach of spring and fresh starts, is one of these cosmic figures. People in the sign of Aries are not only born independent; but also they emerge with a fierce will and a spirit that is fearless, ardent, and unabashedly real. Come along as we explore the interesting realm of Aries personalities and learn about the amazing qualities and fascinating details that characterize these unique people.

1. People born under the sign of Aries have a reputation to act quickly, they hate waiting game.

2. They frequently have accidents as a result of their constant rush and lack of self-care; in fact, they take great pride in showing-off their injuries and scars.

3. Avoid giving instructions to an Aries. They will not tolerate someone else taking authority and imposing directions; in fact, obeying orders may revive their rebellious spirit. 

4. Aries people firmly believe that love may be found at first sight.  

5. Unbelievably, they're really upbeat and supportive of you despite the difficult circumstances.

6. They are constantly there to defend those they love and enjoy fighting.

7. When dating an Aries, you'll quickly realize where you stand because they don't play mind games. 

8. Aries are often the initiators of a relationship.

9. Weak partners annoy's Aries individuals, especially when they are demanding and sensitive, they 'll frequently get bored. 

10. Aries has no problem moving on! usually, they don't miss their ex and instead live in the present.  

11. No matter what time of the day they would call, Aries would answer their phone to help. 

12. Life is black or white for an Aries and there is no space for grey..They can be the sweetest lovers or your biggest nightmare

13. Aries moves have the ability to motivate us all tremendously! They frequently just dive right in and give everything they've got.

14. It's also widely known that Aries people follow their instincts. Whatever reasoning is put forth to them.

15. People born in Aries have a tendency to be sensitive, even though they won't ever admit it!

16. Aries people also have a habit to be overly honest at times. They can come across as quite direct in their judgments of other people because they don't always know how to control their own language before speaking.

17. Even though Aries make excellent leaders, they don't really need people—at least, not in their opinion.

18. Since everyone will be aware of their relationship status, an Aries in love is like a book open to the public.

19. Hot and spicy food is inherently appealing to Aries. A meal high in calories and rich in nutrients is also necessary for them because they burn fat quickly while exercising.

20. If you're planning a movie date with Aries, choose a genre like action, adventure, or passionate intense romantic

21. Do not speak to Aries if you are in confused state of mind, speak with 1000% clearity, whether its yes or no.

22. Aries loves and appreciate those, who are standout in the crowd and bring their own innovative ideas to the table.

23. Aries enjoy sarcastic and slapstick comedy. If you manage to make them laugh consider yourself lucky.

24. If Aries is in the driver's seat, you will arrive at the destination in a much shorter time than predicted.

25. They are thrill-seekers who enjoy the exhilaration of participating in risky sports. They adore riskier activities such as riding motorcycles, leaping off of airplanes, and bungee jumping.

26. Getting an Aries attention is very hard, and to sustain it... is even harder, because they believe in "first impression is the last impression"

27. Aries people often speak without thinking, sometimes they do get into serious trouble for it.

28. Aries look young and lean even in old age. 

29. Having a lively side, Aries people value companions who can make things lighthearted and enjoyable.

30. Aries are inquisitive and enjoy trying new things. Be open to doing new things together and getting out of your comfort zone.

In essence, Aries individuals inspires us to embrace life with zest and unwavering determination. Their dynamic personalities leave an indelible mark on the world, inspiring others to embrace life with vitality and enthusiasm.

Saturday 27 April 2024

श्रीगणेश जी के मंत्र | Shree Ganesh Mantras and their benefits | Horoscope and Vedic Astrology

April 27, 2024 0


Lord Ganesha is the source of all success. He is also referred to as "Ganapati"; "Gana" means group, and the universe is made up of energy and atomic groups. If no one steps in to halt all of these factions and keep them together, anarchy and destruction will spread over the planet. Lord Ganesha is extremely significant since he is in charge of all of these groups and is responsible for maintaining harmony within them. Lord Ganesha, as the greatest lord, maintains order throughout the universe.

1.  ॐ गं गणाधिपतये नम: (Om Gan Ganadhipataye namah)

2. ॐ श्री गणेशाय नम:  (Om Shree Ganeshaye namah)

3. ॐ गं गणपतये नम: (Om Gan Ganapatey namah)

4. श्री वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय, सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ।

निर्विघनम कुरु मे देव, सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा।। (Shree Vakra-Tunda Maha-Kaaya Surya-Koti Samaprabha |

Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvadaa ||)

5. ॐ हेरम्बाय नमः (Om Herambaye namah)

6. ॐ सिद्धि विनायकाय नम: (Om Siddhivinayakay namah)

7. ॐ गजाननाय नम: (Om Gajananay namah)

8. ॐ एकदंताय नमो नम: (Om Ekdantaye namo namah)

9. ॐ लंबोदराय नम: (Om Lambodaray namah)

10. ॐ वक्रतुंडाय नमो नम: (Om Vakratunday namah) 

11. ॐ गणाध्यक्षाय नमः (Om Ganadhakshay namah)

Benefits of chanting Shree Ganesh mantra.

  • Shree Ganesh ji is "Pratham Punjya". You may have noticed that before beginning any auspicious occasion, such as a new endeavor or a housewarming pooja, the name of Lord Ganesha is required. It removes all negative aspects of one's life before undertaking any work.

  • Lord Ganesha is well-known as the remover of barriers. Chanting His mantra with dedication can assist eliminate obstacles and problems from one's path, both in the physical world and in the spiritual realm. It is thought to pave the way for success, advancement, and favorable results.

  • Chanting these Vedic mantras provides numerous hidden physical advantages. Mantras apply pressure to your tongue, lips, and vocal chords, stimulating the hypothalamus gland, which is important for balancing the body's immunity; you may even notice a significant increase in your bodily vitality.

  • Lord Ganesha is also known as the patron of intelligence, learning, and wisdom. Regular chanting of his mantra can help to sharpen the intellect, improve memory, and improve one's ability to assimilate knowledge and comprehend concepts.

  • Lord Ganesha has a link with both creativity and intelligence. Chanting the lord  Ganesha mantra is thought to boost creativity and memory retention.

  • Mantra japa is a practice that involves focused repeating of sacred sounds. Chanting Shree Ganesha's mantra may help people develop concentration, discipline, and awareness. It helps to calm the mind, eradicate distractions, and enhance clarity of thinking.

  • Shree Ganesha Mantra Japa can strengthen one's spiritual connection and aid in inner growth. It can help people develop dedication, resignation, and humility, promoting a sense of connection to the divine. The practice may lead to spiritual transformation and the development of spiritual traits.

  • Chanting Shree Ganesha's mantra summons his heavenly presence and requests His blessings. It is thought to bring beneficial energies, divine grace, and prosperity into one's life. The practice can promote advancement, prosperity, and overall well-being.

  • Lord Ganesha is also the ruling deity for the planet Ketu. People with bad placement of Ketu or to get best result from Ketu which is known as the Moksha karaka(enlightenment) should chant Lord Ganesh mantra.

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Signs to detect that planet Mercury is weak of a person, without looking at horoscope chart

April 24, 2024 0

The role of Mercury in vedic astrology  is referred to as the gods' messenger. Often times, it is the planet of communication and expression. Mercury is a planet of opportunity. Mercury governs those who have an inherent capacity to flatter others and speak persuasively. Mercury stimulates the synergy between couples in other ways besides communication. A powerful Mercury will give the native humor, a pleasant social life, and good analytical abilities. It symbolizes the element of air in astrology. If Mercury is in your horoscope chart's favorable position, you can discover how to bring things up and conclude a discussion. Mercury governs all communication and is a planet that is important for writers and educators. Mercury is expressed through means of communication, such as telephones, the internet, and short trips. Additionally, Mercury is the sign of trade and business, where his judgment and discriminating skills are required. He is also proficient in bookkeeping, record keeping, and rules and numbers.

Symptoms of weak Mercury

These are considered as symptoms of weak mercury if you are not aware of the position of mercury in your birth chart.

1] The native experiences trouble speaking and communicating when their Mercury is weak.

2] Bad handwriting

3] Weak in math's and calculations

4] Memory problems

5] Weak nervous system.

6] Injuries to hands/ weak hands.

7] Problem with younger siblings,

8] Problems with maternal aunt or health and financial issues to maternal aunt

9] Problem with neighbor's

10] Bad in dealing / no business acumen

11] Less participation in social gatherings.

12] Bad breath.

Food Remedies for weak Mercury | Horoscope and Vedic Astrology

April 24, 2024 0

Weak Mercury has the potential to harm our body. Strengthening Mercury's influence in your astrological chart involves a combination of conscious actions and understanding how Mercury operates in your life. Fortunately, weak Mercury can be strengthened with some food habits to neutralize any unfavorable effects it may have on you. Foods that are believed to strengthen Mercury's influence in your astrological chart are often those that promote mental agility, communication skills, and overall brain health.  We've put together a list of some of the easiest ways to boost Mercury's energy.

Simple food remedies

1] Basil leaves 

The aroma of basil leaves has a calming effect and is believed to help reduce stress and anxiety. Basil essential oil is often used in aromatherapy for its relaxing properties. Due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, basil leaves are sometimes used topically to alleviate pain, such as headaches or muscle aches.

2] Celery

Celery is a good source of vitamin K, which plays a role in brain health by supporting nerve cell function and helps reducing chronic inflammation in the brain which aids in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

3] Coriander leaves

Coriander leaves are packed with antioxidants like vitamin C, beta-carotene, and flavonoids. These compounds help neutralize free radicals, which can otherwise damage cells and contribute to chronic diseases.

4] Broccoli

Broccoli is a good source of nutrients that are essential for brain development and function. B vitamin found in broccoli which play key roles in mood regulation and cognitive function. 

5] Fenugreek leaves

Fenugreek leaves contain compounds like diosgenin, which may help improve blood circulation. Good blood flow to the brain is essential for delivering oxygen and nutrients, supporting optimal cognitive performance.

6] Cabbage

Cabbage contains nutrients like potassium and magnesium, which help regulate blood pressure and improve blood flow throughout the body, including the brain. Adequate blood flow ensures that brain cells receive a sufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients, promoting optimal brain functioning.

7] Kale

Consuming kale can benefit both brain health and blood flow by promoting cardiovascular health. A healthy heart ensures efficient circulation, delivering oxygen-rich blood to the brain and supporting cognitive performance.

8] Spinach

Spinach is a folate-rich food, which are crucial for mood regulation, cognition, and overall brain function. It is a good source of vitamin K, which plays a role in high concentrations in brain cell membranes.

9] Curry leaves

Curry leaves are packed with antioxidants such as flavonoids, phenolic compounds, and vitamins A, C, and E. These antioxidants help neutralize free radicals, reduce oxidative stress, and protect cells from damage.

10] Bottle guard

Bottle gourd may help regulate blood sugar levels. Stable blood sugar levels are important for brain function, as fluctuations can affect cognitive abilities and contribute to neurological issues. It is high water content vegetable, which helps in maintaining proper hydration levels. Dehydration can negatively impact cognitive function, so adequate hydration is essential for overall brain health.

11] Green gram / moong dal

Green gram is a good source of plant-based protein and essential amino acids. Proteins are crucial for building and repairing nerve tissues, while amino acids like tryptophan, phenylalanine, and tyrosine are precursors to neurotransmitters that regulate mood, cognition, and nerve function.

12] Green apple

 Green apples contain antioxidants like flavonoids and polyphenols, which help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the body, potentially lowering the risk of chronic diseases.

13] Grapes

Resveratrol in grapes has been linked to improved cognitive function and helps to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. The antioxidants and nutrients in grapes can contribute to overall stress reduction and improved mood.

14] Cardamom

Improves sleep, Calms the mind and promotes better sleep quality. Supports brain function and may improve memory and focus. The diuretic properties of cardamom can help flush out toxins from the body and prevent water retention.

15] Pistachios

Pistachios contain nutrients like vitamin E, antioxidants, and unsaturated fats that support brain function. Pistachios are a good source of protein, which is essential for muscle repair, growth, and maintenance.

16] Fennel

Fennel seeds have calming properties that can help reduce anxiety, promote relaxation, and improve sleep quality. Fennel seeds also have calming properties that can help reduce stress, anxiety, and promote relaxation.

17] Mint leaves

Mint leaves stem can help clear nasal passages and relieve congestion due to colds or allergies. The antioxidants in mint leaves can help combat signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines.