1 Jan 2020

Rajayogas - Dhana Yogas (Part 2) | Horoscope and Vedic Astrology

January 01, 2020 0

Dhana Yogas

The planetary combinations for wealth

The planets are like a human being, who also has a fixed nature and characteristics. They have a certain way of functioning, way of reacting, moving, representation of a lot of things. A simple day-to-day example while preparing a dish, a pinch of salt is added to enhance the taste or say a combination of rice with certain gravy together makes a wonderful complete meal similarly, a planet in a particular sign will give combine results altogether. Now, how will Mercury look, sitting in Capricorn sign in a chart... a media reporter or business marketing analyst who looks very serious in appearance. You can say that the body of Mercury will shine in Capricornial outfits or Capricorn (which is ruled by Saturn)  impacting its nature heavily on Mercury. Similarly, at the time of birth, every placement or position of planets will produce both positive and negative results and impact on the native. Raja yogas are the placements of planets in particular signs which produce the best results. It is termed as a position of the planet in one of its best sign, metaphorically a planet feels the most comfortable and powerful where he can meet his full potential eventually grace a native's life. This Rajyogas posts series will try to cover all types of special planetary combinations and positions and effects of the same. This series will help you to discover the positive things about you, that you don't realize the value of having it and say "what's the big deal about it ?", but appreciated by others those who don't have it!

Dhana yogas in the birth chart gives thoughts and ideas to a person on how to create and accumulate wealth. The combination of planets makes a person think of collecting valuable things on earth by himself like money, jewelry, comforting things, etc. The person possesses a materialistic attitude and thus act and think accordingly.  This doesn't mean the person is entirely greedy! but yes the native cares hugely about financial security because you can't live without having food, shelter and other basic necessities of life.

In the previous post, you read the basic combinations and placements of the planet for Dhana yoga, those were the basic elements, and primary factors but not in every chart you won't find 2nd house venus planet or Taurus sign number making wealth combination.  You might find  8 number sign or 12 number sign in 2nd house but still, the person seems to be wealthy. Because there are other dhana yogas combinations too which also affect the chart creating wealth other than the previously said factors.

1] Chandra- Mangal yoga:- Mars is known for will power and action and Moon represents mind, together this combination makes a native action-oriented to do whatever he thinks. This person also has a eat fighting spirit and courage to make bold decisions, so "dream big work hard" this thought is fully applied to this person. 

2] Lakshmi Yoga :- Lakshmi Yoga is formed when the lord of Lagna is powerful and the 9th lord is in its own sign or exalted in kendra or trikona. This person is blessed and also lucky because he/she will never break any rules set by him and be true to his religion and followings and in return, this person is blessed & protected by the divine belief.

3] Vasu Mati Raj Yoga:- All Benefic planets (Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury) were in Upachaya houses (3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th house) as Upachya houses are known as growing house so any planets in these houses will keep growing and never stop, affecting that person who will never stop growing.

4] Vidhyuta yoga:- In a chart, if 11th lord is in deep exaltation and is in conjunction with Venus in a Kendra, from Ascendant lord, Vidhyuta Yoga is formed. 11th house is known for desires and achievements, thus if the lord of 11th is in a good position then your mind is naturally functioned in such a way so that it produces those ideas and formulas which make a person gain easily in life.

5] Chandradhi yoga:- In a chart when benefices Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury are placed in houses 6, 7 and 8th and moon collectively of singularly this yoga is formed. Because these houses are known for hard work, masses, and change, eventually if you embrace these things in your life smoothly then success will be easy and handy.

6] AkandSamrajya yoga

In a Chart, Jupiter should be strong as 2nd or 5th lord. With this 11th lord should be in Kendra to Moon –unaffiliated it leads to the presence of AkandSamrajya Yoga. This yoga makes, a person endowed with good knowledge of saving and accumulating wealth. Plus 5th is also known for fame and ideas so this combination also gives some popularity to the native.

7] Kusuma Yoga

In a chart, if ascendant has a fixed sign, Venus is in angle, Moon in trines, Jupiter in 9th house and Saturn is placed in 10th house. It leads to the presence of Kusuma Yoga. benefic planets in angle and trine give a right set of thinking with compassion, fixed ascendant gives strong mind and ideals and Saturn placed in 10th which is placed of hard work and action makes a person noble and role model.
8] Parvata Yoga

In a chart, if ascendant and 10th lord is in mutual angles or benefices are in Kendra and 6th and 8th house are free from malefic affliction it leads to the formation of this yoga. The person in practical and work-oriented and is not afraid of setbacks and sudden changes easily.

9] Trilochana Yoga

In a chart, if Sun, Moon, and Mars are in trine to each other, Thrilochana Yoga is formed. Great thinking power, high self-belief, and confidence with very strong fighting ability. A perfect role model and great at leadership skills which helps the person achieve greatness in life.